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A Recap of the 2018 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Conference

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) Conference 2018

—  Executive Home Detox attended the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) conference in Bonita Springs, Florida in December of 2018. This was a gathering of the top Addiction Psychiatrists in the United States.  EHD had an exhibit booth manned by Bill Carrick, the founder of EHD and his wife Michele Carrick, LiCSW.

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Conference Content

The conference was geared toward Psychiatrists and other  Health Professionals who treat addiction and drug dependence. The opioid epidemic continues to rage on, because of this, the opioid epidemic and treatment options for opioid dependency was front and center. Additional topics included general addiction subject matter, alcohol dependency and alcohol treatment and motivational interview processes.  More importantly, conference content was helpful to our practice and the opportunity to talk with these leading psychiatrists was especially helpful.

Find a Qualified Physician using the AAAP website:

Executive Home Detox receives calls on an almost daily basis from people looking for a good addiction physician. Therefore, we frequently refer these callers to the AAAP website or the American  Society for Addiction Medicine (ASAM) website. Both websites have specific pages for a physician search:



Executive Home Detox and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry:

EHD and the AAAP are both focused on providing quality addiction treatment,  Consequently EHD benefits from being an affiliate member of AAAP. As such, we receive it’s newsletter and valuable clinical updates on the cutting edge of addiction treatment. We also use the “find a specialist” web page to access physicians for clients that may need a specialist or clients unwilling to have their current physicians a part of their treatment.

EHD uses the ASAM organization in the same way. As affiliate members of ASAM, AAAP, and the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA), EHD strives to keep abreast of the latest evidence based practice. We believe this commitment serves our clients well.

Our affiliation with both the these organizations assist us to provide the best Alcohol Home Detox and Opiate Home Detox possible.

Experience the EHD Difference.

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