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Private Home Detox from Fentanyl and Opiates

The most common forms of opioid addiction is now the result of fentanyl dependence or prescription opioid dependence.  Dependence on prescription opioids, such as Oxycodone, Oxycontin and Hydrocodone, remain a problem as well.

Fentanyl Dependence and Addiction

Fentanyl dependence and Fentanyl addiction has increased dramatically over the last three years. Anyone accessing an opiate off the street is likely using street fentanyl. Many clients contact Executive Home Detox and believe they are using Heroin or a legitimate pharmacy prescription they received from a friend or a dealer.  Our experience over the last three years is any street Heroin or any opiate pills obtained from a friend or dealer is cut with Fentanyl.

Street Fentanyl is usually present in a urine drug screen for up to eight days. Fentanyl takes longer to clear the body than pure Heroin or legitimately prescribed Oxycodone, Oxycontin or Hydrocodone.

Fentanyl Withdrawal

The withdrawal from Fentanyl is very similar to the withdrawal from other opiates or opioids. These include a general dysphoria or agitation, pain and discomfort (especially in the joints), restlessness, goosebumps or piloerection, abdominal cramping and diarrhea, and tearing of the eyes and a bothersome runny nose.

As noted above, Fentanyl withdrawals start later and last longer than most other opiates or opioids. The severity of the symptoms, observed anecdotally, are not as severe. But they are more prolonged.

Fentanyl Detox

Fentanyl detox can be accomplished in a number of ways.

  • Fentanyl detox by abrupt discontinuation: This process, known as “cold turkey” occurs when a person just stops using fentanyl and they do not use any medication or replacement therapy. It is rarely successful due to extreme discomfort.
  • Fentanyl detox using comfort medications. This detox utilizes a number of evidence based comfort medications to lessen the overall discomfort from withdrawal symptoms. This is usually a seven to eight day process.
  • Fentanyl detox using Buprenorphine.
    • Buprenorphine can be used as a detox agent or a replacement / maintenance agent.
    • Buprenorphine as a detox agent would require a minimum of eight to ten days.
    • Buprenorphine as a replacement / maintenance  agent would require a minimum of five to seven days.
    • Microdosing using an accepted microdosing protocol.
    • Macrodosing using an accepted macrodosing protocol.

Prescription Opiate Dependence and Addiction: Oxycodone, Oxycontin, and Hydrocodone

Prescription Opiate Dependence or Prescription Opiate Addiction remains prevalent. The primary prescribed opiates causing dependence are Oxycodone, Oxycontin and Hydrocodone. These three opiates will usually clear the body in five to six days once the user stops taking the medication.

Medically-Managed Home Detox

Opiate addiction has the potential to be extremely uncomfortable and often results in continued opiate use whether your use has been weeks, months or years. A safe home detox can be orchestrated using a variety of medically-managed programs. One-to-one care is highly effective during detox at home because of the agitation that may result. There is always comfort in knowing that an expert clinician is always on-site by your side 24/7 to comfort, diagnose and treat.

Replacement Therapy or Maintenance Therapy

There are two replacement medications that can be taken to treat opiate dependence. One medication, Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv) can be used short term or long term and can be prescribed by a qualified prescriber in an outpatient setting. The other medication, Methadone, can be taken long term and is usually only given at a clinic on a daily visit. Methadone cannot be prescribed on an outpatient basis for detoxification purposes.

EHD can assist with a Buprenorphine (Suboxone) induction or Buprenorphine  based medical detox.

Many people dependent on opiates have tried to detox using one of these replacement therapies but have not used it under the appropriate supervision. Executive Home Detox can provide that supervision. When used correctly, this medication can assist in a fairly comfortable seven-to-ten day detox at home. Replacement therapy is highly recommended for clients who have used an opiate greater than a year of have had multiple detox attempts without success.

Opiate Detox using Other Medications

Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv) has quickly become the standard for opiate withdrawal; however there are a number of other medications used for the management of withdrawal and used to diminish discomfort of the opiate home detox.

Opiate Detox using Comfort Medications

An opiate detox using only comfort medications is a possibility for some highly incentivized clients. This is a difficult 5-6 day detox for the client using short acting or moderate acting opiates, and a 7-8 day detox for the client using Fentanyl. The EHD home detox nurse monitors the client’s ongoing withdrawal symptoms, the client’s ongoing vital signs and hydration, and uses medications to minimize the withdrawal symptoms.

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